Join The FishOutLoud Movement

About Us

Sieg Taylor, a fanatical American, who loves to catch big fish created FishOutLoud and the FishOutLoud Warrior Community.

He lives in Florida because it has many species of Big Fish. When he is not out fishing, he is thinking about going fishing.

The FishOutLoud Warriors love their Country and never apologize for it. We have a special appreciation for our Great American First-Responders.

The whole FishOutLoud Warrior Community are here to teach and inspire others. If there is something you find valuable and you can apply it to your fishing adventures, that is awesome!

We celebrate you going out and fishing on your nearest body of water. If you are like us, and get as excited as we do, make each cast with anticipation of catching your PB... high fives to you! We venture to guess you are a fishing fanatic just like us.

Remember, you’re just one cast away.

Join FishOutLoud Warriors